[plug] OpenOffice and Elite Central

Sol sol at autonomon.net
Sat Jul 5 21:30:17 WST 2003

I don't like Windoze - and it appears to not like me, for whenever I sit in 
front of a 'doze box it decides to chuck a sad about something - but thought 
I might take a stab seeing as no one else has yet. My guess is that it is 
something to do with file associations and/or the printing system. In much 
the same way that if you click on a HTML document in Explorer it will 
automatically open using IE. Are the file associations set up so that M$ Word 
files are opened by OOwriter, M$ Excel files opened by OO Calc, and so on? 
Secondly, is the printer setup been configured in OOo? Obvious questions I 
know, but it's easy to overlook the obvious.

I have no knowledge of Elite Central so am not aware of how they generate 
printable documents. So can't help beyond suggesting the obvious.

regards; sol

On Saturday 05 July 2003 11:30, Chris Caston wrote:
> Okay this is the situation that I feared. I should have known "better"
> but my love for Open Source got in the way.
> I provided a new computer system to a customer and installed a
> (purchased) OEM copy of Windows XP home and the free office suite
> OpenOffice.org.
> This customer is an accountant and much of the software he required
> could not run under Linux and at his age (must be somewhere about 70) I
> didn't think he was ready to learn SQL-ledger or GNU cash.
> I told him what options he had in regards to OO.o and MS Office and he
> agreed that OO.o would be good if it saved him money.
> Now the problem is that he called up yesterday and told me from one of
> the functions in Elite Central (http://www.elitepractice.com.au) MS
> Office (or perhaps just MS word) is required in order to print!
> I haven't been able to go around there and work out a way around it due
> to having a stinking cold.
> Is anyone here familiar with this issue? and know of a work-around.
> The customer actually called Elite Central and spoke to someone that
> told him that open MS Office is supported so he has a closed mind to the
> words "hack" and "work-around".
> I *may* also be able to convince the wholesaler sell me an OEM copy of
> Office or even Works even though I have already supplied the system.
> I would still much rather get it working with OO.o!
> regards,
> Chris Caston

Sol Hanna
sol at autonomon.net

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