[plug] LinuxTag 2003 - Press Release

Leon Brooks leon at brooks.fdns.net
Sun Jun 8 20:59:15 WST 2003

Chris Samuel has just pointed out on LA's main list that LinuxTag have 
taken out a second injuction against SCO's site and are seeking a 
contempt ruling following the return of the sco.de with the offending 
document still in place.


    Klaus Knopper, developer of the GNU/Linux distribution Knoppix,
    criticized the strategy behind SCO's claims: "What kind of
    respect is SCO showing for the intellectual property of the
    many Linux developers who have worked to develop an operating
    system that is free and open to all -- on which SCO's own
    Linux distribution was based, by the way? You can read on the
    SCO website that they have used and continue to use other GPL
    software in their products," Knopper added.

Methinks SCO may have put their foot in it big time in Germany. 
Microsoft already have a bad rap (OS/2 and more recently Linux have 
been very popular there), so it'll be interesting to see if the Germans 
start lumping the two together when referring to them.

Meantime, our own WA TAFE system is aiming for 100% Microsoft, starting 
with (would you believe) Outlook on every desktop. The next Nimda that 
happens along is going to cripple them.

Cheers; Leon

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