[plug] anti-spam + postfix

Luke Dudney dex at wn.com.au
Tue Jun 10 18:31:13 WST 2003

Leon Brooks wrote, On 10/06/03 17:08:

>On Tue, 10 Jun 2003 14:33, Luke Dudney wrote:
>>I have never used it but it is my understanding that SpamAssassin can
>>consult DNSRBLS based on the IPs in the Received: lines of the
>>emails. This would let you do DNSRBL lookups on the client that
>>connected to your ISP's mail server.
>PostFix will do that by itself:
>    http://www.mengwong.com/misc/postfix-uce-guide.txt
>...and with a patch, will do it per user:
>    http://www.kfki.hu/~kadlec/sw/postfix_patch.html
>Cheers; Leon

I can't see anything in that document that provides a solution to Ben's 
problem. It does however realise that it _is_ a problem:

20010110 comment from Keith Matthews <keith_m at sweeney.demon.co.uk>:

  reject_maps_rbl checks are only of use in situations where
  you get mail directly from the open relay.  For many dial-up
  customers the fact that their ISP has gathered it
  automatically effectively disables the checks because they
  are carried out against the immediate client - i.e. the
  ISP's mail host !

  To be effective they need to be carried out against earlier
  relays, which is clearly much more work.

But there is no solution, and I cannot think of an easy way to do it, without either using SpamAssassin or writing your own content_filter to do the lookups.


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