[plug] updating woody to 2.4.20

Bernard Blackham bernard at blackham.com.au
Wed Jun 18 17:13:10 WST 2003

On Wed, Jun 18, 2003 at 04:55:09PM +0800, Bernard Blackham wrote:
> Quite possibly :( You said modules wouldn't load? Possibly because
> you need the newer version of modutils (taking wild stabs in the
> dark here). You can either see if you can recompile it under woody,
> or see if somebody else has already (www.apt-get.org might be your
> friend).

Feeling bored and kind, I compiled some packages of the latest
modutils and initrd-tools for woody here. Install them and things
should be magically better (hopefully!) :)


Best wishes,


 Bernard Blackham 
 bernard at blackham dot com dot au

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