[plug] Server name

Craig Dyke grail at westnet.com.au
Sun Jun 22 17:25:02 WST 2003

On Sun, 2003-06-22 at 17:09, Cameron Patrick wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 22, 2003 at 05:01:21PM +0800, Craig Ringer wrote:
> | Plus, you'll want the "use-host-decl-names on;" flag set (probably in 
> | the subnet or global level) to ensure that the declared hostname is sent 
> | to the DHCP client, instead of having to also declare "hostname blah" 
> | for each host.
> Hmm.  I have this switched on, but I've never been entirely sure what it
> does or whether/why it should be needed.  Would you mind elaborating
> a bit in the interests of curing my ignorance?
> CP.

And you lost me at "Plus ....."

Where does (which file) "use-host-decl-names on;" get set?

Also, is this getting the information from dhcp or telling it
that you want to set it to this address?


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