[plug] mozilla

John Clayton mageaere at hotmail.com
Mon Jun 30 23:12:11 WST 2003

This is a bug in mozilla. It has been coded to exit without any warning or 
error messages for certain types of errors. This bug is being corrected. Try

mozilla --gdk-debug=FLAGS


mozilla --gtk-debug=FLAGS

to get error messages that might help you with your problems.

>From: Craig Dyke <grail at westnet.com.au>
>Reply-To: plug at plug.linux.org.au
>To: Plug <plug at plug.linux.org.au>
>Subject: [plug] mozilla
>Date: 29 Jun 2003 19:18:54 +0800
>I have a curious problem.
>Whenever I run mozilla it starts and then stops within about 5 seconds??
>Have tried to run from within terminal as well to see error messages
>but there were none?
>Any suggestions??

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