[plug] Kernel compile

J Michael Gilks gilksjm at iinet.net.au
Wed Mar 5 15:07:17 WST 2003

Ok, just tried out the new kernel. Didn't work, got a kernel panic message. 
However I am now feeling brave enough to redo the compile. I obviously left 
out something I shouldn't have. Trying too hard to cut down the size and not 
include drivers for non installed hardware etc.
Looked like some interesting laptop stuff loading before it died though.
Thanks for the help.
I will continue now that I know how to do this and, most importantly, that I 
can recover and use the old kernel.

On Wednesday 05 Mar 2003 9:37 am, Tony Breeds wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 05, 2003 at 12:00:51AM +0800, J Michael Gilks wrote:
> > I have just compiled my first kernel, and as always there is a hitch.
> > The kernel is 2.4.19-24mdkcustom which is Mandrakes latest offering.
> > The problem is that I installed the RPM for the kernel which installed
> > nicely and seems to work. This put a System.map file in /boot.
> > I compiled a new kernel from the source, did make dep, make clean make
> > bzImage, make modules, make modules_install.
> If you're on a sinngle CPU system you can do:
> make bzImage modules modules_install, then get a coffee.  If anything
> goes wrong at all at any stage the build will stop so you're safe in
> that regard.
> Then make install modules_install.
> > All going swimmingly until I come to install the new image. When I try
> > cp System.map /boot
> > I am asked if I want to overwrite System.map.
> > This is where I bailed.
> > My question is, will overwriting System .map lose the 2.4.19-24 kernel I
> > already have? If this will happen, what can I do to keep both versions?
> Yes you can keep both versions.  you should be able to "make install"
> have a look at /sbin/installkernel.
> If you look at /boot/System.map you _should_ see that it's a symlink to
> If you overwrite it nothing bad will happen.
> > Further questions I probably should have asked before starting are
> > 1: After running depmod -a, will old dependencies be wiped out if not
> > needed for the new kernel?
> Running depmod -a will rebuild the module dependancies for the currently
> running system.  You can build the modules dependancies for a non runing
> kernel with
> depmod -ae -F /path/to/System.map  where System.mnap is the symbol table
> for the kernel you want to build module dependancies for.
> > 2: How do you uninstall a kernel?
> If you installed it as an RPM then,
> a) boot into another kernel
> b) rpm -e rpmname
> If you instlled it from source then
> rm -rf /boot/*VERSION /lib/modules/VERSION
> Yours Tony

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