[plug] Announcement for the Wednesday meeting [SAGE?]

Tom Hallam thallam at ee.uwa.edu.au
Mon May 5 16:06:24 WST 2003

Steve Landers is trying to revive the Wed computing meetings [was SAGE] 
and has asked me to forward the following.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Fwd: Announcement for the Wednesday meeting
Date: 	Mon, 5 May 2003 15:56:28 +0800
From: 	Steve Landers <steve at DigitalSmarties.com>
To: 	Tom Hallam <thallam at ee.uwa.edu.au>


I know many people have been missing the regular (first Wednesday of 
the month) SAGE-AU meetings at the Moon and Sixpence. It was a time to 
get together, learn, share and generally enjoy the company of our peers.

I propose we (i.e. all interested people) get together this Wednesday 
(the 7th) at the usual time (6:00pm or thereabouts) at the Moon and 
Sixpence (Murray St, City) with a view to reviving the meetings.

The purpose is to discuss what we want to get out of the group, what we 
are willing to put in, and any constraints that we might have. Then we 
can decide what basis the group can continue - whether it be as a 
SAGE-AU local chapter or via another means.

I've long held the conviction that in a city the size of Perth all 
similar groups should coordinate so that we don't tread on each others 
toes. So I'd also welcome anyone from the other technical computing 
groups in Perth - PLUG, AUUG, SLPWA, whatever. Please feel free to 
redistribute this message to anyone who you think might be interested.

Please note that this isn't a SAGE-AU meeting per se - it's simply a 
group of interested people who want to see the monthly meetings 
continue. If you share this objective it is important that you come 
along - your input is valued.

Best regards

Steve Landers


Steve Landers                     Software Design Solutions
Digital Smarties                  steve at DigitalSmarties.com
Perth, Western Australia          DigitalSmarties.com

Tom Hallam                      http://www.ee.uwa.edu.au/~thallam
                                     mailto:thallam at ee.uwa.edu.au                     
Information Systems Manager.           
School of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering.
The University of Western Australia
                                       CRICOS Provider No: 00126G
ph:(08) 9380 1634,     fax:(08) 9380 1065,    mobile:0410 453 630

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