[plug] Linux ideology

John Knight anarchist_tomato at hotmail.com
Tue May 27 12:30:35 WST 2003

I'm thinking of writing an article that touches on this subject, not looking 
at the technical specs here, but in terms of cost, how many graphics editors 
have actually paid for their copy of Photoshop? Most of the people I know 
have pirated it and don't see the GIMP as a worthy alternative because of 
it's lack of these options, but fail to take into consideration that 
Photoshop costs a lot of money, and their conscience isn't even bothered by 
their 900 dollar (I think, how much does it cost nowdays?) theft, because 
"everybody does it".

I can see the argument forma technical point of view, but I'm only really 
willing to submit to this argument provided the pro-Photoshop party is 
willing to actually take cost into consideration and would actually fork 
over the money needed. As far as pirates go though, I'm not listening.

Make lunch, not war.

> >> Ditto MS-Windows vs Linux and other apps such as Kexi versus
> >> MS-Access or The GIMP vs Photoshop.
> > The GIMP v Paint Shop Pro might be a better comparison. The GIMP has
> > some severe limitations in colour management, CMYK handling, tool
> > previews, etc. You might show it as "powerful graphics app" but if
> > you try it for "photoshop replacement" then unless your users don't
> > actually really use photoshop, you'll get laughed at. I like, and
> > use, the program - but realistically its not even close in
> > functionality or useability.

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