[plug] Kernel 2.4.32-preX io throughput

Brad Campbell brad at wasp.net.au
Wed Nov 12 18:31:11 WST 2003

G'day all,

I have a RAID-5 consisting of 5 200GB WD disks, hooked up in a 
sub-optimal fashion of cramming as many disks onto as little IDE 
interfaces as possible.(Waiting for my pair of 4 channel SATA cards and 
SATA-PATA interfaces to arrive).

OS is on a separate disk and interface.

I still get consistent read speeds of 50MB/s and Write speeds of 25MB/s.

I have been moving around, catting and generally manipulating files of 
about 10GB.

Running a vmstat 1 in one window I notice that the data movement becomes 
smoother, more consistent and the sustained rate almost doubles by running

while true ; sync ; sleep 1 ; echo -n . ; done

in another window!!

Is the 2.4 io scheduler really that bad?

Plus I get better performance doing that than I do using 2.6-test9 under 
any configuration.

Stopwatch timing confirms my theory, running that continual sync command 
reduces the operation time by sometimes as much as 50%!

Just a rambling observation.

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