[plug] mozilla-browser 2:1.5-2 & mozilla-thunderbird 0.3

Brad Campbell brad at wasp.net.au
Thu Nov 13 12:43:19 WST 2003

laurie anderson wrote:
>   Hi,
>   Updated from Debian Woody to Sarge all appears well
>   Have downloaded mozilla-browser 2:1.5-2 & mozilla-thunderbird 0.3-6 from
>   unstable
>   From the information I have read so far I will need to update a number of
>   'lib' files from unstable, can we update the lib files without causing
>   problems with Sarge.

Can I suggest just downloading a nightly snapshot of Mozilla and 
Thunderbird and un-tarring them in your home directory or /usr/local or 

That way it will work with a raw Sarge and will be the latest and greatest..

Unless you are riding the Sid wave, sometimes it's easier to do some 
things in a non-deb way.

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