.tk domain, was [plug] Debian and Src

Cameron Patrick cameron at patrick.wattle.id.au
Fri Nov 14 14:53:07 WST 2003

On Fri, Nov 14, 2003 at 05:41:22PM +1100, Weirdo wrote:
| I have always wondered if you can run your own DNS server.

You can.

| Do you still need a listing in the root DNS?

No.  But for other people to be able to access it, the domain you're
hosting has to be delegated to your name servers.  i.e. if you want to
be weirdo.com, the .com name server has to know "if you want weirdo.com
ask the DNS server at"

For instance, I run a DNS server for ".home".  It isn't listed in the
root DNS so no-one else can access it but since all of the computers in
the house use that DNS server, it means that all of the computers at
home have a DNS name and I don't have to screw around updating
/etc/hosts files.

| Please send instructions for setting up DNS

Okay:  travel back in time by roughly two months, and attend Tony's
networking seminar :-P


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