the ponderings of a fence-sitter [was Re: [plug] Debian - clueless :o}]

Sol Hanna sol at
Fri Nov 21 10:24:26 WST 2003

On Thu, 2003-11-20 at 20:29, Derek Fountain wrote:
>  I ran Slackware for a while, then RHL, then switched to 
> SUSE-5.something a few years back. I've used SUSE ever since.
I don't know anyone here that's been using Suse that long.

> So why did I step over to debian tonight? Well, I've used SUSE too long. I 
> need to broaden my understandings of the state of the art. 
Wise move. From my experience Debian will broaden you experience, but
not necessarily give you state of the art. Even the Unstable version's
packages are behind the leading RPM distros. Not that that's a bad
thing. Debian is aiming for reliability and portability - both noble
goals - rather than being bleeding edge.

> If someone said to 
> me "we'll give you a week's work fixing this webserver, and by the way it 
> runs <something other than SUSE>" I'd currently have to say no. I have a 
> thorough understanding of SUSE, but know little to nothing about the others. 
> General concepts transfer easily, but specifics don't.
Too true. I'm glad I've taken a few distros for a ride around the block.
It means even a non-guru type like me can find my way around a new
distro without too much problem. I'd recommend what you're doing -
checking out a new distro - to anyone who's serious about having a good
understanding of Linux. Especially if, as you point out, you don't
always have a choice.

Good luck!

Sol Hanna
sol at autonomon dot net

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