[plug] undelete files in ext3 file system

Craig Ringer craig at postnewspapers.com.au
Tue Sep 2 13:30:02 WST 2003

> Need to find out how to undelete files on a RHL7.3 server using the ext3 file system.

I don't think you can.

I'm very interested in the possibilty of using a filesytem 'layer' as 
enabled by the 2.6 kernel to provide global undelete and versioning 
functions to users. I encounter "whoops, didn't mean to save over that" 
and "whoops, didn't mean to delete that" _far_ too often from users 
here. Some form of filesystem versioning would be lovely, especially if 
it was implemented as a layer above the real filesystem.

There was a recent article in Linux Journal about using filesystem 
layers (note: I'm probably using the wrong name). Let's hope it becomes 
commonly used.

Craig Ringer

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