[plug] Can you recommend a book on learning Linux?

Tim Bowden bowden at iinet.net.au
Mon Sep 8 17:46:02 WST 2003

Garry wrote:
> Tim - Look on the bright side.. We are almost into BBQ season, and you
> have 926 firelighters at the ready..

My BBQ is gas.  Have to find a new use.

> Sobell's "A Practical Guide To Linux" is good, but beyond desktop user
> level thoough..
> Garry.

"Linux Installation, configuration and use" by Michael Kofler is very 
good for new linux users... or it was in the days of rh 6.0.  Not /too/ 
much in it has changed, but the user interface stuff is now very dated. 
  If there is a recent revision then I would almost recommend it without 
seeing it.  He doesn't go into server territory, but what he does cover 
is very well done.  He assumes no knowledge but doesn't treat the user 
like an idiot who isn't capable of mastering the more complex topics.

If anyone comes across a second hand copy then it would still be very 
handy for a anyone who wants to get on top of the command line.

Tim Bowden
>>It was soooo ##@# useless I have 
>>looked at it about three times since I got it- and each time it failed
>>to answer my question, despite being 926 pages full of fluff.
>>Upset every time I see it,
>>Tim Bowden

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