[plug] Perl/DBI syntax

Nigel Duff peregrin at iinet.net.au
Tue Sep 9 15:57:14 WST 2003

On Tue, Sep 09, 2003 at 02:13:24PM +0800, John Usher (Maptek) wrote:
> A bit of error checking might help you locate the problem...

Or even fix it. :)

I put your code in a subroutine and the script works without any other

httpd's error_log is kicking out the following error;

[Tue Sep 09 15:40:31 2003] [error] [client] [Tue Sep  9
15:40:31 2003] add-item3.pl: DBD::mysql::st execute failed: You have an
error in your SQL syntax.  Check the manual that corresponds to your
MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near
'DBI::st=HASH(0x81e94c4)' at line 1 at add-item3.pl line 98., referer:

but the scripts is doing what it's meant to do. Any ideas on that one?

Thanks for your help guys.


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