[plug] Please help Daniel: comparing Billion reports

Leon Brooks leon at brooks.fdns.net
Sun Sep 21 18:42:16 WST 2003

On Sun, 21 Sep 2003 18:26, Leon Brooks wrote:
> On Sun, 21 Sep 2003 15:59, Daniel Pearson wrote:
> > FYI, if anyone can make anything of this, I have uploaded the ADSL
> > status page from my web interface to:
> > http://members.iinet.net.au/~gpearson/adsl.htm
> For comparison, the same page from this Billion BIPAC 711CE, which
> hasn't disconnected since I got it:
>     http://cyberknights.com.au/adsl.html

Interesting to compare the three. My DSL is 512/128, same as Daniel's, 
and that's the rate it actually flat-straps at but my modem thinks it's 
doing 1536/128.

Daniel's downstream line attenuation *sucks*! 46dB is less than 1/16th 
of the actual signal level that I'm getting.

Sham's attenuation figures absolutely shine, I'd love to swap; he could 
probably still get a good signal if he replaced the internal telephone 
wiring with barbed wire nailed to the joists. The lone CRC error must 
have been a lightning strike or something. (-:

This house has at least three unused telephone extensions. After seeing 
those figures, I might nip up into the ceiling with a set of clippers 
and see if that helps the numbers a bit.

This Billion's predecessor would drop off once or twice a day, and 
occasionally (about every week or ten days) forget that it had an 
ethernet interface. When I eventually took it in to get checked, 
ArachNet updated the firmware and the thing promptly turned into a 
doorstop on their test-bench. This one hasn't bliinked [sic :-].

Cheers; Leon

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