[plug] Re: looking for psutils source tarball

David Buddrige buddrige at wasp.net.au
Mon Sep 22 13:46:27 WST 2003

thanks. 8-) 


James Devenish writes: 

> In message <courier.3F6E81C9.0000549F at wasp.net.au>
> on Mon, Sep 22, 2003 at 12:59:53PM +0800, David Buddrige wrote:
>> Unfortunately, it seems that cygwin does not come with the psnup command, 
> I don't know if this suggests that psutils in in Cygwin:
> <http://www.cygwin.com/packages/psutils/psutils-1.17-1-src> 
> But anyway, try searching at your local CTAN (TeX) archive:
> <http://www.ctan.org/search> though you could try your luck at the old
> sites, too <http://www.dcs.ed.ac.uk/home/ajcd/psutils/> and
> <ftp://ftp.dcs.ed.ac.uk/pub/ajcd/psutils.tar.gz>. 
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