[plug] SCO and Samba

Adam Hewitt ahewitt at globaldial.com
Fri Sep 26 13:03:28 WST 2003

Hi All,

I did read this a while ago, but for those of you who dont know here is
a snippet from the samba.org website about SCO:

"Recently, Darl McBride, the Chief Executive Officer of SCO has been
making pejorative statements regarding the license used by the Linux
kernel, the GNU GPL. In a keynote speech he recently said: 

        "At the end of the day, the GPL is not about making software
        free; it's about destroying value." 

In light of this it is the depths of hypocrisy that at the same event
SCO also announced the incorporation of the Samba3 release into their
latest OpenServer product."

Maybe we should start releasing software under the ASL (Anti-SCO
Licence) or GPLWES (General Public Licence With Exclusion of SCO), so
that SCO is unable to use any open source software without paying
royalties for it ;) ...which of course will be donated to RH's OS
programmers fund against law suits or whatever its called.


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