[plug] ZDnet - F-Secure gives Linux an antivirus injection

senectus senectuskal at hotmail.com
Fri Apr 2 09:26:58 WST 2004

Who the hell is "Laura Didio"?? Does she write for "The Onion" or something?
Sounds like a right twit...

-----Original Message-----
From: plug-bounces at plug.linux.org.au [mailto:plug-bounces at plug.linux.org.au]
On Behalf Of Richard Meyer
Sent: Friday, 2 April 2004 12:41 PM
To: plug at plug.linux.org.au
Subject: [plug] ZDnet - F-Secure gives Linux an antivirus injection

Hi Peeps,

Following Kim's URL to ZDNET, I found the following as well



In its recently published annual Threat Report, Symantec recognised Linux
viruses as a future threat, but the company said it has no plans to launch
an antivirus product in the near future. According to Laura Didio, analyst
for The Yankee Group, Linux viruses are stealthier and harder to detect
than Windows viruses. "People say Windows is still the main target, and
that's true. Linux is a small threat, but even a small threat can translate
into a high risk," she said in a statement.


And seeing that Dildio knows whereof she speaks, I personally am quaking
with fear (or suppressed laughter).

Although to anyone who can read, the quotes from the press release seem to
spend most of their time talking about Samba, which is what we'd expect.


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