[plug] Banks to switch to linux...

Leon Brooks leon at brooks.fdns.net
Tue Apr 20 15:23:44 WST 2004

On Tue, 20 Apr 2004 15:01, Senectus - wrote:
> I'm still not sure if this is a dig at Linux or if its a dig at MS..
> > Top quote:
> >     "I hate doctrinal technology."
> >         -- Ian Crouch, NAB


It's a dig at "We're an all-XXX shop" mentality. The typical reason for 
that policy is that someone got either lazy or a kickback.

And sometimes "lazy" has to be seen to be believed. The turkey in 
question typically follows someone else's policies very carefully, and 
without the veriest shadow of an idea about what they're actually 
doing. They are the source of "I ran out of backup tapes so I put the 
first one on again, is that OK?" legends. They are the people who 
regularly test their virus scanner with EICAR - unaware that they broke 
the local DNS about a month after they started work there and none of 
the workstations can find the virus update server using the fallback 
DNS - and sit in front of their smoking, vibrating uplink router 
vehemently denying any kind of spam problem. They put an awesome amount 
of work and anguish into avoiding actual thought or having to answer 
sticky questions.

Cheers; Leon

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