Fwd: Re: [plug] mounting home directories

Marc Wiriadisastra marc-w at smlintl.com.au
Wed Aug 11 15:21:34 WST 2004

Does that mean the situation should change if I use mount -t smbfs -o 
credentails=/etc/samba/auth.smb so on and on.


James Devenish wrote:

>In message <4119C432.5010004 at postnewspapers.com.au>
>on Wed, Aug 11, 2004 at 03:01:06PM +0800, Craig Ringer wrote:
>>My understanding is that Windows is quite a bit smarter about this. 
>>It'll require you to authenticate as the user /at some point/. Always. 
>Ah, I see what you mean. "smbmount" is really a single-user login, so it
>could be expected to behave more like FTP/SCP than disk/NFS. So, it's
>basically the same type of problem as with Macs and AFP.
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