[plug] Linux advocate in the Middle East

Brad Campbell brad at wasp.net.au
Sat Aug 21 16:29:48 WST 2004

Check out this web site

These guys are selling themselves as the best linux solution provider in the Middle East.
5 Minutes on their site and I was about to go postal. It has to be one of the hardest to navigate, 
worst designed sites I have ever used.

Content management systems being abused just for the sake of using a CMS.

<sigh> Would you buy a linux solution from these people?

As an aside they host the local lug mailing list. When subscribing up their list machine 
automatically sends you a pdf of propaganda. <blech>

On the plus side, Anti-US sentiment is certainly helping the spread of linux over here. Coupled with 
a large base of computer illiterates, it's a good platform to teach computer virgins about other 
operating systems off the bat. No griping about the missing start bar or icon for "the internet".


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