[plug] [OT] XP Remote

skribe skribe at amber.com.au
Mon Aug 23 12:13:49 WST 2004


We have a new tech at CTV.  This is both good and bad.  Good because the old 
one never actually completed a task .  Bad because the new one, like the old, 
is a M$ devotee who knows nothing about anything but M$ products. Quote:  
Linux should package their software on cds.  Then they would become popular. 

Now we're about to get ADSL and the PHB is instituting all these changes to 
the computing network so that the work-for-the-dolers don't steal all their 
bandwidth by downloading movies all day.  These changes will of course put a 
serious crimp in the efforts of the people that do the real work and in 
particular the editors. But I digress.

Our new tech unfortunately has a real job and so can't spend that much time 
at CTV and so plans to Remote Desktop all the computers, which despite my 
best linux advocacy efforts still run XP Pro.  How safe is remote operation 
over ADSL?

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Every love's the love before
In a duller dress.
		-- Dorothy Parker, "Summary"

Xaraya Content Management Solutions http://www.xaraya.com/

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