[plug] nis success story

Sol sol at terminus.net.au
Tue Dec 7 21:10:44 WST 2004

Hi all,

I'm back after a few months hiatus. I guess the geek side of me has been
neglected. Hope you're all revelling in the ever greater success of OSS
now that governments and corporations have started to pay attention.
Yes, some have called us Linux fundamentalists. But there's nothing
wrong with being a fundamentalist if you're right. :P

I just wanted to share a small success story. I have set up a small
Linux network for the Buddhist Society in Nollamara (where I'm a member
and volunteer). There's a server (Suse 8.2) and four workstation clients
(Suse 9.1). We've had Linux running there for a couple of years now. The
setup has changed a bit since we've had more, and newer hardware
donated. Today I upgraded the clients and installed NIS. I didn't know
much about it, and thought it would be complicated. It took 10 minutes. 

Sadly, I don't have my genius to thank for this. Yast made this task
dead easy. And using NIS & NFS with mounted /homes made the task of
setting up the network much easier. So if you're _not_ a Linux Grand
Cyclops Majordomo Mondo Guru but just a wannabe Linux grommit like me, I
recommend Yast for all those daunting network admin tasks. And now that
Suse have GPL'd it, you'll probably see it in your favourite distro
soon. Well, in Debian anyways because they've started to port it
(according to debian.org).

And if you need tips on setting up NIS & NFS, I don't mind offering a
few tips, FWIW. :)


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