[plug] [LACTTE] [Fwd: Nominations open for Linux Australia's annual election] (fwd)

Mark Tearle mtearle at linux.org.au
Wed Dec 15 09:56:44 WST 2004

Hi all

Linux Australia has opened nominations for their executive committee for
2005.  So if you are interested in working to represent the interests of
Linux and Open-Source users in Australia, first make sure you're a
member, secondly nominate yourself or others for any of the positions.
See http://linux.org.au/membership/

Nominations are open now, and close 8 Jan. That's when voting beings.

Pia Smith wrote an email to linux-aus mentioning the dates and whatnot
in greater detail, see

It's a little difficult to articulate what the exact demands of the
positions will be, given that it depends so much on whatever the make up
of the newly elected board is. If you have questions, though, feel free
to contact me and I'll offer biased opinions. :)

[shamelessly borrowed from an email sent by Michael Davies to LinuxSA]
[shamelessly borrowed from an email sent by Andrew Cowie to SLUG]

Mark Tearle - treasurer at linux.org.au - fax: +61 2 8211 5211

Linux Australia Inc. - ABN 56 987 117 479
GPO Box 4788,  Sydney NSW 2001, Australia

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