[plug] Re: [OT] TV (was: 0/1 Clock)

Leon Brooks leon at brooks.fdns.net
Mon Feb 2 21:16:11 WST 2004

On Mon, 2 Feb 2004 16:19, Shayne O'Neill wrote:
> It *can* be handy for (for instance) letting kids know
> whats currenly in vogue with other kids etc. (Ie knowing whats the
> latest pokemon type game or what hi-5 are up to etc). These probably
> should not be written off as they are kind of play training for the
> sort of rituals adults 'play'.

This assumes that one places a relatively positive value on such 

In particular, this assumes that the rituals are both more valuable than 
the activities which the time spent acquiring them from TV displaces, 
and that there is no more efficient and accessible way of developing 
skill in those rituals. Both of these postulates are non-trivial to 

One also has to consider and assign +/- value to the other signals 
mdulating the same carrier which brings skill in rituals. But this 
complicates the dicussion more than I think we need to.

Cheers; Leon

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