[plug] OOo default language

Cameron Patrick cameron at patrick.wattle.id.au
Mon Feb 16 20:40:04 WST 2004

Adrian Woodley wrote:

| Question:
| How can I set en_GB or en_AU to be the system wide, default language. An
| entry to sofficerc or openoffice.conf would be favourable.

First I'd make sure that /etc/environment had The Right Thing in it.  In


You'll also need to install an appropriate dictionary; in Debian, this
is the myspell-en-gb package.  I /think/ (but am not completely sure)
that given all of this, OO.o will use a sane default language.

Installing kde-i18n-engb might be worthwhile if you're using KDE.
(Thanks to someone on this list - John Knight? - for this tip.)

You will almost certainly want to edit /etc/openoffice/psprint.conf so
that it defaults to A4, too.  (Assuming that yours doesn't by default...
mine certainly didn't, despite libpapersize - and hence CUPS - having a
sensible default.  This is Debian bug #215841 FWIW.)


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