[plug] Hdd probs

Russ Pitman rjp at belle.apana.org.au
Thu Feb 19 23:27:22 WST 2004

Michael Collard wrote:
> Hiya Pluggers, I write this email on my barely working system. My 80Gb
> HDD (seagate) seems to not like reading/writing properly any more, I
> suspect it has bad sectors somehow. Thought I'd take this time while my
> complete system backs up, while it is still possible, to ask if anyone
> else has had problems with these 80Gb Seagate drivers?
> Kind Regards
> Michael Collard

If they have "Made in Idonesia" on the label Yes. Check what warranty they
were sold under, you may be able to claim replacement. The ones that died on
me were replaced with Singaporean make and seem ok still.

Good Luck.

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