[plug] writing an emacs lisp function.

David Buddrige buddrige at wasp.net.au
Thu Jan 15 16:23:41 WST 2004

Hi all, 

I like to have a black background with green text when I am working in 

To this end, I have placed the following code in my .emacs: 

(defun setcolour (nil)
"This sets the colors up"
'(set-foreground-color green)
'(set-background-color black)
(global-set-key (quote [f11]) (quote setcolour)) 

The idea is that whenever I press the F11 key, the foreground should be 
changed to green and the background to black.  However this does not seem to 

When I press F11, a message is displayed: 

"Wrong type argument: commandp, setcolour" 

Are there any emacs experts out there who can see the problem? 

thanks heaps 


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