[plug] police & nurses credit society netlink page

Onno Benschop onno at itmaze.com.au
Tue Jan 20 04:28:50 WST 2004

On Tue, 2004-01-20 at 00:42, Denis Brown wrote:
> Ref: unfriendly web sites..
> On Mon, 19 Jan 2004, Shayne O'Neill wrote:
> >
> > You should also complain bitterly to the webmaster, AND to the company at
> >
> That, complaining to the company/webmaster, has worked many times for me.
> For example I once had issues with Unicredit (University Credit Society)
> when their website was "upgraded" to non-compliance and Mozilla and
> Netscape both broke horribly.   I eventually got hold of the NetTeller
> people in Queensland whose motto/logo was "The System Works."   I
> politely but firmly pointed out that, no, it did not work!
> Two hours later, via e-mail, came the request to try it again.  Not fully
> successful but closer.   Bit of back and forth banter by e-mail got it
> resolved.   I'm sure that more people than just myself, benefited.

I spent an hour on the phone with their senior developer who told me in
no uncertain terms that they were not going to change anything because
it wasn't required, and besides they knew best.

There was a large discussion about caching graphics, requirement for
javascript to validate crap. I gave up and went elsewhere. To that point
UniCredit was my primary bank.

Onno Benschop 

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