[plug] Tux tatoo

Simon Scott sscott at iinet.net.au
Sat Jan 31 16:08:42 WST 2004

On Sat, 31 Jan 2004 09:15, Chris Caston wrote:
> Hello,
> I am considering getting the above. Does anyone know of a good place? I
> was thinking about also getting the Debian swirl but it might be be a
> good idea incase I change distro's.

I got mine down in Freo. Some dodgy bikie run place :)

Just take along a printout of Tux at the size you want, and then that makes it 
easy for them to trace it onto your skin and then fill it in.

With the white chest, make sure they do a good job - I keep meaning to go and 
get mine filled in a bit better. Supposedly white is the hardest to do.

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