[plug] MIME Types by file contents
Bernd Felsche
bernie at innovative.iinet.net.au
Mon Jul 5 01:57:57 WST 2004
I've almost finished the Python MIME mailer.
One problem I encountered was with the known MIME types having
dubious mappings to filename extensions. The code works around that
by using it's own "definitive" map of MIME type to extension.
The other problem that I've encountered and not yet resolved is with
the Python email module not liking news articles in particular.
I get a bunch of errors like:
bernie at pinion:~> python bin/maildoc.py bernie < z25
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "bin/maildoc.py", line 143, in ?
if __name__ == '__main__': main()
File "bin/maildoc.py", line 140, in main
os.popen("/usr/sbin/sendmail -t","w").write(message.as_string())
File "/var/tmp/python-2.2.2-build//usr/lib/python2.2/email/Message.py", line 107, in as_string
File "/var/tmp/python-2.2.2-build//usr/lib/python2.2/email/Generator.py", line 100, in flatten
File "/var/tmp/python-2.2.2-build//usr/lib/python2.2/email/Generator.py", line 128, in _write
File "/var/tmp/python-2.2.2-build//usr/lib/python2.2/email/Generator.py", line 154, in _dispatch
File "/var/tmp/python-2.2.2-build//usr/lib/python2.2/email/Generator.py", line 243, in _handle_multipart
File "/var/tmp/python-2.2.2-build//usr/lib/python2.2/email/Generator.py", line 100, in flatten
File "/var/tmp/python-2.2.2-build//usr/lib/python2.2/email/Generator.py", line 128, in _write
File "/var/tmp/python-2.2.2-build//usr/lib/python2.2/email/Generator.py", line 154, in _dispatch
File "/var/tmp/python-2.2.2-build//usr/lib/python2.2/email/Generator.py", line 302, in _handle_message
File "/var/tmp/python-2.2.2-build//usr/lib/python2.2/email/Message.py", line 179, in get_payload
TypeError: 0
whenever I feed it a saved news item. It'll probably hiccup on email as well.
Other than that, it seems to handle any other input reliably; though
I've not done any cross-platform stuff yet.
See the attached bugfest for details.
/"\ Bernd Felsche - Innovative Reckoning, Perth, Western Australia
\ / ASCII ribbon campaign | I'm a .signature virus!
X against HTML mail | Copy me into your ~/.signature
/ \ and postings | to help me spread!
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