[plug] Which Wiki?

Shayne O'Neill shayne at guild.murdoch.edu.au
Thu Jul 22 19:40:29 WST 2004

taglist = { '[heading]':'<h3>','[/heading]':'</h3>',
            '[imageleft]':'<img src="','[/imageleft]':'" align="left">',
            '[imageright]':'<img src="','[/imageright]':'" align="right">',
            '\n':'<br>','\\"':'"', '\\\'':'\'',
            '[[':'<a href="wiki?page=','][':'">',']]':'</a>',
            '[=':'<a href="','=]':'">Click here</a>',
            '<html><head><title></title></head><body>':' ','</body></html>':' '

def rendertext(wikitext):
        for k,v in taglist:
                 self.text = self.text.replace(str(k),str(v))
        return self.text

instant wiki. (add code to accept edits, display, store and retrieve, and
bobs yer uncle)

"the vast majority of Iraqis want to live in a peaceful, free world. And
we will find these people and we will bring them to justice."
George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Oct. 27, 2003

Shayne O'Neill. http://www.perthimc.asn.au

On Thu, 22 Jul 2004 hooker at iinet.net.au wrote:

> Quoting Adrian Woodley <Adrian at Diskworld.com.au>:
> > G'Day all,
> >        We've decided to use a Wiki to for office documentation
> > (procedures, etc). Simple question followed by a slightly harder one:-
> >
> >        1. Which wiki would people recommend? I think the two most
> > important features are ease of use, particularly a sensible mark-up, and
> > good handling of bullets and numbered list.
> >
> >        2. Is it better to store the wiki in a database, flat file or
> > something else?
> I ended up writing my own specifically to handle technical documents, and it
> works well, at least for me. I store the raw wiki text in flat files, and
> convert from raw to HTML immediately after editing. Bold is handled using
> *word*, and italic by _word_, pretty much like Usenet and email. I didn't
> implement numbered lists, but it shouldn't be hard to do.
> Hooker
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