[plug] phone fax / answering machine

Russ Powers russ at powerstech.com
Wed Jul 28 18:57:43 WST 2004

On Wed, 28 Jul 2004 06:15 pm, Cameron Patrick wrote:
> Michael Holland wrote:
> >   For outgoing faxes, there are some GUI front-ends such as TkFax, but I
> > havn't tried them.
> Aren't there front ends that act as a printer driver?  I'm pretty sure
> I've seen such a beast (although admittedly it wasn't on Linux) and
> sounds like a vaguely sane way of doing things.

There's kfax at least. And I'm sure you can print to the fax using kde print 

I had just been thinking along the lines of a single app to do it all (like my 
answering machine). But after all these responses, I've seen the light. :) 

I guess it's more logical to not do it that way. Just printing to the fax is, 
IMHO, a better solution.


> Cameron.
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