[plug] Text-mode screen resolution

Mageaere mageaere at hushmail.com
Tue Jun 8 01:51:51 WST 2004

On Sat, 05 Jun 2004 09:19:36 -0700 Jim Householder <nofixed at westnet.com.au>
>I can set the text resolution on my 19" screen to 132x60.  It lasts
>until X starts, at which time it reverts to 80x25.  Xandros 2 (debian)
>is installed.  
>Can anyone tell me where the resolution is reset?  I found it once
>with RH 7.? but cannot find where (if) I recorded the location for
>posterity.   I use text-mode from time to time and find 80x25 rather

Try setting vga=extended in your lilo.conf and rerunning lilo. This will
give you something better than 80x25. Though I don't know if it will
be as good as what you are after.

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