[plug] Fw: Debian Upgrade Required

Bernard Blackham bernard at blackham.com.au
Tue Jun 15 12:28:55 WST 2004

Forwarding this here - any Debian experts willing to do a little
paid work, please contact Martin directly.

----- Forwarded message from Martin Hayes <martin at redbackweb.com.au> -----

Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2004 00:47:01 +0800
From: Martin Hayes <martin at redbackweb.com.au>
Subject: Debian Upgrade Required

Hi Bernard,
I ran across PLUG website while searching for Debian Linux experts in Perth.
I need someone to upgrade my clients Debian linux machine for
I am organising the setup of a new TapeDrive backup system using Tapeware7, but
it cant be installed due to old C
Can you recommend a Debian expert that is capable of upgrading Debian on a
mission critical machine? plus modify current Samba shares and permissions? 
I am willing to pay full rates.

Martin Hayes
RedbackRedback SystemsSystems
PO Box 263, North Perth - Western Australia, 6006
Ph:  +618 9328 1311 - Mb: 0403 171 177

----- End forwarded message -----

 Bernard Blackham <bernard at blackham dot com dot au>

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