[plug] Testing

James Devenish devenish at guild.uwa.edu.au
Mon Jun 21 08:04:18 WST 2004

In message <40D61090.10316.68B31D at localhost>
on Sun, Jun 20, 2004 at 10:32:48PM +0800, Arie Hol wrote:
> Has the list just gone quiet for today - or have I been censored for
> the statements I made in last nights post to this list ?
> The last post that I have received from this list was time stamped as :
> Sun Jun 20 10:26:18 WST 2004
> A difference of nearly 12 hours.

It's not exactly unheard of for long periods to go by without posts to
the list. Admittedly, though, 12 hours is unusually long for daytime!
If you ever suspect that there might be problem affecting only your own
mail account, it is possible to view the authoritative list archives at:
<http://mail.plug.linux.org.au/pipermail/plug/> -- view 'by date' and
see whether the last message for 2004 is one you have received or not.
(This is not to detract from the fact that 'test messages' can be useful
for assessing whether the list server is itself working.)

In message <009e01c456d7$1b334a00$6624a8c0 at simmo>
on Sun, Jun 20, 2004 at 10:58:54PM +0800, Andrew Simmonds wrote:
> I think its just reallly really quiet.

Since it's so quiet, allow me to point out some missing apostrophes.

Arie Hol wrote:
> Has the list just gone quiet for today - or have I been censored for
> the statements I made in last night[']s post to this list ?
And here...

In message <009e01c456d7$1b334a00$6624a8c0 at simmo>
on Sun, Jun 20, 2004 at 10:58:54PM +0800, Andrew Simmonds wrote:
> I think it[']s just [really,] really quiet.
Aaaaah. :-)

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