BankWest (was: Re: [plug] Standards)

Harry harrymc at
Tue Mar 23 18:26:46 WST 2004

On Tue, 23 Mar 2004 16:32:11 +0800 Craig Ringer <craig at> wrote:

> Frankly, to me the main issue seems to be BROKEN CLIENT SOFTWARE and web
> developers who code to that, rather than the standard.

The other mindset to contend with is "You mean there is another browser
besides Explorer?"

I asked about a problem using BankWest Online with Mozilla 1.0 last
night (gave all useful information about using Linux and version of
debian. Mozilla etc) and got the following response today:


Dear Mr McNally

Thank you for your email re logging on to BOB.  We have noticed that you
are using an unsupported browser, here are the most common browsers that
are used on our website.

_	Internet Explorer 5.5 SP2 can be downloaded from Microsoft on the 
below link

_	Internet Explorer 6 SP1 can be downloaded from Microsoft on the below link

Once you use these supported browsers you should not experience these 
issues.  If you have any further problems, please call our Customer Help
Centre on 13 17 18.

Yours sincerely

Internet Banking
Customer support Team

Unencrypted electronic mail is not secure and may not be authentic.
If you have any doubts as to the contents please telephone to confirm.

This electronic transmission is intended only for those to whom it is
addressed. It may contain information that is confidential, privileged
or exempt from disclosure by law.  Any claim to privilege is not waived
or lost by reason of mistaken transmission of this information.
If you are not the intended recipient you must not distribute or copy this
transmission and should please notify the sender.  Your costs for doing
this will be reimbursed by the sender.


Cool, eh ? With all of the online support services I use for components,
suppliers, FPGA design tools, et. al. I've never received a stock
FuckOffAndDie email like this before. It's surreal.


ps. The email warns me with unenforcable legal gibberish that it may not be
authentic. Yeah. Unreal, baby.

pps. Firefox 0.8 JustWorked. I told them.

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