[plug] http://zdnet.com.com/2100-1104_2-5178281.html?tag=zdfd.newsfeed (EU Vs MS)]

James Devenish devenish at guild.uwa.edu.au
Wed Mar 24 23:02:07 WST 2004

In message <40619ADB.1040706 at westnet.com.au>
> >Well it has happened.

    EU slaps record fine on Microsoft
    By Michael Parsons
    CNET News.com
    March 24, 2004, 4:02 AM PT
    URL: http://zdnet.com.com/2100-1104-5178281.html

    The European Union on Wednesday issued its ruling in the
    long-running case against Microsoft, fining the American software
    giant $613 million, the heaviest punishment in any European
    competition case to date. (Continued.)

A FINE of $0.6 billion US dollars? Gosh.

"If I had a dollar for every time that Microsoft..."

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