[plug] stripping potentially nasty attachments

Alex Polglaze apolglaze at book-keepingnetwork.com.au
Sat Mar 27 12:56:54 WST 2004

Craig Ringer wrote:

> On Sat, 2004-03-27 at 10:11, James Devenish wrote:
>>Yay (it is indeed spelt "viruses", not "viri" or "virii",
>>unless you are intending to use slang spellings).
> I know - but I don't have to like it.

Then don't like it. Virus is a Latin word like Hippopotamus and octopus, the 
plural of these words is hippopotami and octopi, just like the plural of amoeba 
is amoebae.

Let's not dumb down our language to suit the yanks, free trade agreement or not.

The plural is of virus is virii, so let's all use it properly.

BTW, does anybody want a few virii I have a spare few hundred, new ones in stock 

Alex Polglaze

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