[plug] login script to samba server

Jon Miller jlmiller at mmtnetworks.com.au
Mon May 3 16:15:26 WST 2004

Need to create a login script for Windows 2000 desktops, one of the lines in the script needs to check for membership to a certain group.  What we've found is that as the user login the script stops because they do not have access to the share.


net time \\devnull /set /y
net use h:\\storage\home
net use s: \\storage\shared
if member of "accounts" then
net use j:\\storage\accounts

of course the if statement doesn't work.

Does samba have a way of checking if the user that is logging in is a member of a certain group.


Jon L. Miller, MCNE, CNS, ASE
Director/Sr Systems Consultant
MMT Networks Pty Ltd

"I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure
 is trying to please everybody." -Bill Cosby
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