[plug] Book of "facts" re Linux

Michael Collard quadfour at iinet.net.au
Fri May 14 21:40:20 WST 2004

On Fri, 2004-05-14 at 18:32, Brock Woolf wrote:

> I mean look not to bag Windows or anything cause it's not that bad, i
> just prefer faster efficient and free software. Presonal preference. If
> you like paying big dollars for Windows and all the programs that come
> with it and want a few viruses and trojans and love to pay to update
> your virus scanner per year, like hey! who the fuck am i to argue with
> that, go ahead... Bill Gates has done a tremendous thing to bring
> personal computing to the globe and standardize it, and thats a good
> thing, however a little healthy competition is always good for business,
> it forces the competition to offer a better product, rather than sit
> back and become complacent. And to be quite honest, I don't thing Bill
> Gates would be trying (at least he is) to make his product better if
> Linux/Solaris/FreeBSD/Apple were around. DO YOU?

I hate to tell ya but Windows doesn't even implement true multitasking,
something that even a 20 year old OS did (AmigaOS). Windows has not
improved at all in any way that matters. Still built on the same
spaghetti code that would be better suited printed on dunny paper.

And while Microsoft teeters those people that have no independent
thought, I cannot seriously see how IT in general will improve by any
great margin. Microsoft is destroying IT.

Still I think my quote from a week ago is spot on. Windows is a joke at
best :)

Kind Regards
Michael Collard

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