[plug] winfs

Garry garbuck at westnet.com.au
Sat May 15 13:08:20 WST 2004

Hash: SHA1

Point taken, but I was thinking of the filesystem, NFS and the locate
database combined. I wasn't specific enough.

I'm not sure if the locate database crosses machines to remote NFS mounts..



Craig Ringer wrote:
| On Sat, 2004-05-15 at 05:54, Garry wrote:
|>Isn't what MS is trying to achieve with WinFS already available by using
|>mounted partitions via NFS on *nix?
| I don't see how.
|>Or am I missing something?
| I suspect so. If I understand correctly, WinFS is intended to provide a
| database-backed filesystem, where all files have detailed metadata
| that's indexed in the DB. A user could open "the file I wrote in '92
| about fish" instead of "My Documents\weirdstudy\johndory\jdgulls.doc".
| I'm not aware of any production FS, *NIX or otherwise, that makes this
| practical without special app support (eg app-level indexing).
| It's an idea that's been around for a little while. Unless I've missed
| something, MS are doing it an interesting way - they seem to want to put
| the filesystem in a modified RDBMS data store (MS-SQL server), rather
| than extend the FS to support database-like semantics.
| Hans Reiser is working on things in the other direction (which makes
| more sense to me). Check out http://namesys.com/ for some interesting,
| though long and often hard going, reading.
| Craig Ringer
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