[plug] SME PC hardware linux supplier?

Harry harrymc at decisions-and-designs.com.au
Wed Nov 10 21:48:08 WST 2004

On Wed, 10 Nov 2004 20:25:39 +0800 Chris Caston <caston at arach.net.au> wrote:

> Spyware filled computers are destroying the environment?

Of course! All those cycles running spyware :-D

Seriously tho', every PC that you chuck away is an energy investment in
starting with some rusty rocks in the Pilbara and sand from somewhere
else and pouring energy at it to rearrange it as a computing engine.

The performance of the computers has reached an acceptable speed for most
computing needs. (Based on what we can achieve out of an old box at Computer
Angels we could be doing most things with 200MHz as long as there is
reasonable RAM).

A handy metric would be to know "energy input for manufacturing a new box"
vs "extra energy consumption of retaining a less efficient older one".
Because the machines don't stop. Computer Angels has people _really_
wanting to give us their 486 box because "it still has all the software
and still runs fine". 

But, like yesterday, I get a call from a young lady who is dropping off
a 733MHz PIII or somesuch because "Well, everything is XP now so
I_need_to_update" *Screams AAAAARGH silently* "Sure, drop it down" I say,
"We'll be able to make use of it." My main 800Mz desktop sits at 99%
idle when the mouse is stationary!

This whole computer waste problem doesn't need bigger metal recyclers
it just needs more intelligence. But it _does_ threaten the economic model
that relies on building stuff to discard it periodically for another one.

Consider in the post that you responded to, Chris, that HP still wants to sell
you a new bunch of hardware. I'm interested in LTSP-in-a-box with reused

*stops for breath* Ok, I feel better now :)

Here's another rabid rant on why an OSS service model is the future 
(so I don't keep repeating myself):

Are you a computer angel?	http://www.computerangels.org.au/

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