[plug] *** November Hacker Night Reminder ***

Cameron Patrick cameron at patrick.wattle.id.au
Thu Nov 11 15:00:37 WST 2004

Bernard Blackham wrote:

> arrange lifts with others.  (eg, Cameron can provide transport for
> people not incredibly far from Duncraig).

I see your copy&paste skills extend to replacing "I" with "Cameron"
and making promises on other people's behalf :-)

Harry wrote:

> Computer Angels distro. I'm working on a list of all the fiddly bits
> left to do. Some require config, others just need a test that
> various things work.

I'll be rocking up to help with that too.

> > This might encourage other, less creative people to turn up and
> > help :-)  (Or maybe I'm just too optimistic...)
> Weeeell. Cameron's plan was to have people show with a specific project
> and I think that is working ok. It is hard for people to drop into
> an effort without some planning beforehand. 

Keeping in mind that the text you're quoting and comparing to
Cameron's plan was in fact written by me...  I agree that having a
specific project of your own to work on is a Good Thing.  But part of
the point of having a hacker night get-together rather than an
"everyone sits in their respective homes and does their own stuff"
night (which would probably be a lot more productive, as well as
better environmentally due to less people driving out to the middle of
nowhere and back) is that you see what other people are doing as well
your own project.

> I'm wondering if Cameron will need to move us downstairs to the big
> open workshop area if the numbers get much larger.

Seems unlikely.  Last month we had a reasonable turn out, and maybe
we'll have more again this month, but I think the problem is more
likely to be not enough table space for lots of people than not enough
actual space.  There are three rooms upstairs and we were only using
one of them.  Upstairs also has the advantage of being heated / eggnishned.

Craig Ringer wrote:

> Of course, that all depends on being able to get to the middle of 
> nowhere^W^W^WMalaga :-)

Well, if you have a better venue to suggest...


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