[plug] co-locating

Brad Campbell brad at wasp.net.au
Wed Oct 13 16:59:42 WST 2004

Bernard Blackham wrote:
> For those holding out for it, here 'tis:
> http://www.plug.org.au/about/bank-account
> You can also enter yourself into the membership database (if you
> have paid this year, then you will be in it already), at
> http://www.plug.org.au/members/signup
> The members section will go live when the new server finds hosting
> that hopefully isn't somebody's loungeroom :) (We're looking at the
> moment).

I'm actually investigating co-locating a server at the moment. The cheapest is still in the US but 
I'm looking at Aus and Europe as well.

Co-lo here is over $1000 AUD per month for 1RU a 1MBit link and 30GB/pm traffic! Talk about monopoly 
rip off.

My biggest problem here is the filtering on NNTP, WEB and some other ports, so I want to co-lo a box 
that I can use a VPN to so I can access all the stuff they don't want us to access. (Co-lo is fully 

I'm tempted to sponsor someone a 512/512 ADSL and some power to host a box for me down there. It's 
another option anyway.

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