[plug] Attempted Intrusions

Craig Ringer craig at postnewspapers.com.au
Mon Oct 25 13:28:43 WST 2004

On Mon, 2004-10-25 at 12:27, Marc Wiriadisastra wrote:

> I just changed it to port 26 it looks like there isn't anything there 
> using it according to the services file.

If you're going to pick a different port, it may be wise to pick one
>1024, as the lower ports are reserved for specific services assigned
specific ports.

A quick Google search for "port 26" indicates that quite a few people
seem to use it for SMTP to work around ISP mail service blocking.
Strikes me as weird (there's no way to specify a port in your MX record,
so it can't work very well).

In the end, though, it's up to you. You could use the well-known port of
an assigned service you're not presently using if you liked. If anybody
tried to use that service they'd be a tad confused, but you probably
wouldn't mind that.

I personally agree that keeping ssh off port 22 is wise, though more
strictly configured firewalls will often prevent you from accessing your
server except on port 22. I'm not too worried about this personally, as
I can always bounce through xbox.plug.linux.org.au if I need to get out
from a strict firewall - though the other day I spent some time
miserably failing to figure out it was a firewall that was at fault for
my problems. I'm not used to being on networks with firewalls I don't
control ;-)

Craig Ringer

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