[plug] Ipmasqadm help

Craig Ringer craig at postnewspapers.com.au
Tue Oct 26 16:52:08 WST 2004

Joong Cho wrote:

> I'm just trying to forward my DNS port to port 53 so that everyone can 
> see my websites.

You realise that you will need to have your domain name registered and 
have the NS record point to your IP address as well, right? Making up a 
domain name and running a DNS server does not create the domain name.

> With the DNS ports, is it a TCP, UDP or both protocol?

Both. UDP is the older and more common form, TCP is used in some 
situations between two servers that both support it.

> And when you forward this port, is it actually your DNS IP Address or 
> your own machine's IP Address.

Well, your firewall will be accepting traffic on your public external IP 
address. If you wish your DNS server to appear to be running on your 
firewall / router, you must forward traffic coming in on that public, 
external IP address to the internal address of the computer that 
actually runs the DNS server. This works the same as for any other 
common port-forwarding.

It sounds to me like you might benefit from reading up on what NAT and 
port forwarding are and what they do. I can't offer you any direct 
links, but I'm sure Google and tldp.org can point you to some good ones. 
There's probably also information on linuxquestions.org (have you looked 
at that yet?).

Craig Ringer

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