[plug] [Fwd: Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 updated (r3)]

Tim White weirdo at tigris.org
Fri Oct 29 17:18:45 WST 2004

For those not on the debian-annouce mailing list. (This mainly applies 
to stable users)

-------- Original Message --------

Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 updated (r3)

This is the third update of Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 (codename `woody')
which mainly adds security updates to the stable release, along with a
few corrections to serious problems.  Those who frequently update from
security.debian.org won't have to update many packages and most
updates from security.debian.org are included in this update.

Please note that this update does not produce a new version of Debian
GNU/Linux 3.0 but only adds a few updated packages to it.  There is no
need to throw away 3.0 CDs but only to update against ftp.debian.org
after an installation, in order to incorporate those late changes.

Upgrading to this revision online is usually done by pointing the
`apt' package tool (see the sources.list(5) manual page) to one of
Debian's many FTP or HTTP mirrors.  A comprehensive list of mirrors is
available at:


Security Updates

This revision adds the following security updates to the stable release.
The Security Team has already released an advisory for each of these

    Package                         Debian Security Advisory ID(s)
    apache                          DSA 525
    atari800                        DSA 359
    bind                            DSA 409
    bonsai                          DSA 265
    calife                          DSA 461
    cgiemail                        DSA 437
    conquest                        DSA 398
    courier                         DSA 533
    courier-ssl                     DSA 247
    crawl                           DSA 432
    cupsys                          DSA 545, 566, 573
    cvs                             DSA 422, 486, 505, 517, 519
    cyrus-sasl                      DSA 563
    cyrus-sasl-mit                  DSA 568
    ecartis                         DSA 467, 572
    emil                            DSA 468
    eterm                           DSA 496
    ethereal                        DSA 407, 511, 528
    exim                            DSA 501
    flim                            DSA 500
    freenet6                        DSA 555
    fsp                             DSA 416
    gaim                            DSA 434
    gallery                         DSA 512
    gatos                           DSA 509
    gdk-pixbuf                      DSA 464, 546
    geneweb                         DSA 223
    getmail                         DSA 553
    gkrellm-newsticker              DSA 294
    gnupg                           DSA 429
    gtk+2.0                         DSA 549
    gtksee                          DSA 337
    heimdal                         DSA 269
    hztty                           DSA 385
    icecast-server                  DSA 541
    ident2                          DSA 494
    imlib                           DSA 548
    imlib2                          DSA 552
    interchange                     DSA 471
    iproute                         DSA 492
    ircii                           DSA 291
    jftpgw                          DSA 510
    jitterbug                       DSA 420
    kdeadmin                        DSA 234
    kdegames                        DSA 240
    kdelibs                         DSA 459, 518, 539
    kdemultimedia                   DSA 243
    kdepim                          DSA 238
    kdeutils                        DSA 241
    kernel-image-2.2.19-netwinder   DSA 456
    kernel-image-2.2.19-riscpc      DSA 456
    kernel-image-2.2.20-amiga       DSA 453
    kernel-image-2.2.20-atari       DSA 453
    kernel-image-2.2.20-bvme6000    DSA 453
    kernel-image-2.2.20-i386        DSA 453
    kernel-image-2.2.20-mac         DSA 453
    kernel-image-2.2.20-mvme147     DSA 453
    kernel-image-2.2.20-mvme16x     DSA 453
    kernel-image-2.2.22-alpha       DSA 454
    kernel-image-2.4.16-arm         DSA 439, 495
    kernel-image-2.4.17-hppa        DSA 470, 480
    kernel-image-2.4.17-ia64        DSA 423, 444, 481
    kernel-image-2.4.17-s390        DSA 442, 482
    kernel-image-2.4.18-hppa        DSA 475, 480
    kernel-image-sparc-2.2          DSA 514
    kernel-patch-2.2.19-arm         DSA 456
    kernel-patch-2.2.20-powerpc     DSA 453
    kernel-patch-2.4.16-arm         DSA 439, 495
    kernel-patch-2.4.17-apus        DSA 440, 482
    kernel-patch-2.4.17-mips        DSA 433, 441, 489
    kernel-patch-2.4.17-s390        DSA 442
    kernel-patch-2.4.18-powerpc     DSA 417, 438
    kernel-patch-2.4.19-mips        DSA 450, 491
    kernel-source-2.2.10            DSA 466
    kernel-source-2.2.19            DSA 453
    kernel-source-2.2.20            DSA 336, 453
    kernel-source-2.2.22            DSA 454
    kernel-source-2.4.16            DSA 439, 495
    kernel-source-2.4.17            DSA 427, 440, 441, 442, 482, 489
    kernel-source-2.4.18            DSA 438, 479
    kernel-source-2.4.19            DSA 450, 491
    krb4                            DSA 273
    krb5                            DSA 520, 543
    lbreakout2                      DSA 445
    lesstif1-1                      DSA 560
    lftp                            DSA 406
    libapache-mod-dav               DSA 558
    libapache-mod-python            DSA 452
    libgtop                         DSA 301
    libmcrypt                       DSA 228
    libnids                         DSA 410
    libpng                          DSA 536, 570
    libpng3                         DSA 536, 571
    libxml                          DSA 455
    libxml2                         DSA 455
    log2mail                        DSA 513
    logcheck                        DSA 488
    lpr                             DSA 267
    lpr-ppd                         DSA 275
    lukemftpd                       DSA 551
    lxr                             DSA 264
    lynx                            DSA 210
    mah-jong                        DSA 503
    mailman                         DSA 436
    mailreader                      DSA 534
    mc                              DSA 424, 497
    metamail                        DSA 449
    mod-auth-shadow                 DSA 421
    mpg123                          DSA 435, 564
    mpg321                          DSA 411
    mysql                           DSA 212, 303, 381, 483, 540, 562
    nd                              DSA 412
    neon                            DSA 487, 506
    net-acct                        DSA 559
    nethack                         DSA 316
    netkit-telnet                   DSA 556
    netkit-telnet-ssl               DSA 529, 569
    noffle                          DSA 244
    openssl                         DSA 393, 465
    osh                             DSA 329
    perl                            DSA 431
    php4                            DSA 531
    phpgroupware                    DSA 365
    phpsysinfo                      DSA 346
    postgresql                      DSA 516
    proftpd                         DSA 338
    python2.2                       DSA 458
    qt-copy                         DSA 542
    rinetd                          DSA 289
    rp-pppoe                        DSA 557
    rsync                           DSA 404, 499, 539
    ruby                            DSA 537
    samba                           DSA 463
    screen                          DSA 408
    sendmail                        DSA 554
    sox                             DSA 565
    squid                           DSA 474
    squirrelmail                    DSA 535
    ssmtp                           DSA 485
    sup                             DSA 521
    super                           DSA 521
    synaesthesia                    DSA 446
    sysstat                         DSA 460
    tcpdump                         DSA 425, 478
    trr19                           DSA 430
    vbox3                           DSA 418
    webmin                          DSA 526, 544
    wget                            DSA 209
    wu-ftpd                         DSA 457
    wv                              DSA 550
    xboing                          DSA 451
    xchat                           DSA 493
    xconq                           DSA 354
    xfree86                         DSA 443, 561
    xine-ui                         DSA 477
    xitalk                          DSA 462
    xonix                           DSA 484
    xpcd                            DSA 368
    xsok                            DSA 405
    zebra                           DSA 415
    zope                            DSA 490

Miscellaneous Bugfixes

This revision adds important corrections to the following packages.
Most of them don't affect the security of the system, but may affect
data integrity.

    Package                  Reason

    aptitude                 Smooth upgrade from woody to sarge
    aspell                   Corrects breakage
    bind9                    Parser correction on S/390
    cfs                      Rebuild to be usable on S/390
    debootstrap              Missing dependency for installations
    imagemagick              Dependency correction
    ipmasq                   Corrected path to iptables
    iptables                 Corrected init script
    junior-puzzle            Removed rocks-n-diamonds
    kdebase                  Unbreak konqueror on powerpc
    libxslt                  Unbreak libxslt1-dev
    lvm10                    Prevent data loss
    mm                       Correct crashes in PHP4
    nbd                      Unbreak packge
    ncompress                Correct potential data corruption
    scsh                     Move to non-free
    spamassassin             Unbreak package
    teg                      Removed menu item
    ttf-kochi                Correct license problems
    ttf-kochi-naga10         Correct license problems

Removed Packages

The following packages had to be removed from the distribution.

    Package                      Reason

    gnomesword                   Broken package
    hdate                        License problems
    heyu                         License problems
    kernel-patch-2.4.0-ia64      Unusable package
    kernel-patch-2.4.0-reiserfs  Unusable package
    kernel-patch-2.4.1-ia64      Unusable package
    pcmcia-modules-2.2.22        Uninstallable package
    spellcast                    License problems
    ttf-xtt                      License problems
    ttf-xwatanabe-mincho         License problems
    watanabe-vfont               License problems
    xroach                       License problems

The complete list of all accepted and rejected packages together with
rationale is on the preparation page for this revision:



The complete lists of packages that have changed with this revision:


The current stable distribution:


Proposed updates to the stable distribution:


Stable distribution information (release notes, errata etc.):


Security announcements and information:


About Debian

The Debian Project is an organization of free software developers who
volunteer their time and effort in order to produce the completely
free operating systems Debian GNU/Linux and Debian GNU/Hurd.

Contact Information

For further information, please visit the Debian web pages at
<http://www.debian.org/> or send mail to <press at debian.org>.

Let's all sit around and look at computers that do nothing.
                                                    -- Andrew Suffield

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Tim White
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